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Kunststoff, Verbundsmaterial

Plastics are increasingly assuming important functions in our everyday lives. They are used in all areas and are now replacing many of the materials used up until now. There is barely any other material that produces new interesting materials with significant property improvements through ongoing development.

We have been successfully supporting this process together with our customers for years and developing solutions using thermal process technology designed for the individual applications.

This is the case regardless of whether it concerns

  • High performance/high temperature materials
  • Technical plastics/engineering plastics
  • Standard/mass produced plastics
  • Thermosets
  • Elastomers
  • Thermoplastics

Our industrial furnaces ensure a safe thermal process optimally aligned to the respective product.

We achieve the desired and specified material properties such as

  • The dimensionally stable cross-linking of the structural matrix
  • A higher temperature resistance
  • A reduction of internal stresses
  • An increase in dimensional stability and shape consistency by anticipating post-shrinkage

by using specifically targeted processes.

Targeted temperature control ensures that the material properties in the product are of a consistently high quality during slow and above all uniform heating (approximately 20–30 °C/h) and cooling (approximately 2–3 °C/h) as well as in the holding phases.

Industrial furnace construction with a solid and energy-efficient design also offers interesting cost savings that ultimately contribute to a lower product price.

Contact us directly!

Dennis Effing

Branch Manager
Industrial Furnaces